Lisboa - 5 a 9 de Setembro de 2005
Escola de Verão de Matemática

Knots, Links, Braids and their Invariants

(Nós, Elos, Tranças e seus Invariantes)

curso por Alexei Sossinsky (Universidade Independente de Moscovo, Rússia)


The mathematical theory of knots and links, which studies non-intersecting and non-self-intersecting curves in space, is at least 150 years old, but has recently surged to the forefront of science, attracting not only mathematicians and physicists, but also experts in biology and chemistry, and in some branches of engineering as well. In the decade 1985--1995, no less than four mathematicians who contributed to the theory were awarded the Fields Medal (the "Nobel Prize for mathematicians"): Vaughan Jones (New Zealand), Edward Witten (USA), Vladimir Drinfeld (Ukraine), Maxim Kontsevich (Russia).

Surprizingly, although many of the original papers involve some very sophisticated mathematics, there now exists a very elementary exposition of the main results, so that no advanced mathematical prerequisites will be needed to follow the course. In it, there will be lots of very visual geometry (pictures and even computer-generated animations), some absolutely elementary algebra (adding and multiplying polynomials, linear spaces, permutation groups), and a new kind of calculus (which may be called "games with little diagrams").

The main protagonists, however, will be several kinds of invariants, i.e., algebraic entities allowing to easily solve difficult classification problems concerning the main three-dimensional geometric objects of the course -- knots, links, braids.

Tentative plan:
  1. The geometry and arithmetic of knots:
    knot diagrams and equivalence of knots via Reidemeister moves, decomposition into prime knots, knot tables, Conway axioms for the Alexander polynomial.
  2. Braids and their relationship with knots and links:
    encoding braids by standard generators, Artin theorem on the braid group, Alexander theorem (any knot is the closure of a braid), braid comparison algorithms.
  3. The Kauffman bracket and the Jones polynomial:
    Kauffman's imaginary statistical model and his bracket, definition of the Jones polynomial via the Kauffman bracket, properties of the Jones polynomial, proof of the Tait conjectures on alternating knots.
  4. Elementary theory of Vassiliev invariants:
    Axioms for Vassiliev invariants, the one-term and four-term relations, the bialgebra of chord diagrams, Kontsevich theorem (isomorphism of the Vassiliev (bi)algebra and the (bi)algebra of chord diagrams).
  5. Relationship with physics and biology:
    the Potts water-ice model and the Jones polynomial, the Conway moves and DNA.
The Knot Book by Colin Adams, AMS (2004).

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Última actualização: 10 de Maio de 2005