OMGTP XII abstracts

Lecture Courses

T. Gannon  University of Alberta
A. Klemm Humboldt University, Berlin
M. Mariño CERN
E. Sharpe  University of Illinois


E. Aldrovandi  Florida State University
J. Bertin  Université Joseph Fourier
V. Chernov  Dartmouth College
P. Grange  CPHT, Ecole polytechnique
V. Marenitch  The University of Kalmar
A. Mikovic  Universidade Lusófona
A. Misra  Institut fuer Physik, Humboldt Universitaet
G. Mondello  Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
K.O. Ozansoy  Ankara University Faculty of Science
P. Pinto  Instituto Superior Técnico
E. Scheidegger  Institut fuer theoretische Physik der TU Wien
M. Tierz  Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya
S. Vacaru  CENTRA, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Academy of Sciences (Republic of Moldova),
ISS (Romania)
R. Vila Freyer  CIMAT

Lecture abstracts

Terry Gannon

Boundary Conformal Field Theory, Fusion Ring Representations and Strings

Boundary Conformal Field Theory, Fusion Ring Representations and Strings.
We'll begin with a gentle overview, discussing some of the background context. This will include some words on Monstrous Moonshine, modular functions, (boundary) conformal field theory, and string theory. Then we'll turn to fusion rings and the basic partition functions of the theory, where much of the data of the theory is conveniently encoded. We'll focus on the partition function of the torus (relevant to closed string theory, or the CFT of the bulk) and that of the cylinder (which is relevant to open string theory and boundary CFT).


Review and Lecture Notes:

Other References:
Although not strictly necessary, it would be convenient for the audience to have some familiarity with the elementary representation theory of affine Kac-Moody algebras, and also the elementary theory of modular forms. These are reviewed for instance in the textbooks

although there are several other sources.

More specific background for my lectures is provided for instance by:

Albrecht Klemm

Mirror Symmetry and the Topological String

We review the topological calculations in supersymmetric field theories in 0,1 and 2 dimensions, with special emphasis on the non-linear s model case. Then we define the A-model on general symplectic manifolds and the B-model on Calabi-Yau manifolds. We describe selected results in mirror symmetry on CY manifolds, such as the mirror symmetry predictions for the Gromow-Witten invariants and the definition of integer invariants for closed an open topological strings in (non-compact) Calabi-Yau backgrounds (with branes). Finally we describe aspects of the large N relation between topological gauge systems and the topological string and review what these theories calculate in the topological sector of 4d supersymmetric theories.

Marcos Mariño

Chern-Simons Theory and Enumerative Geometry

The goal of these lectures is to give an introduction to the relations between enumerative geometry of non-compact, toric Calabi-Yau manifolds, and Chern-Simons theory. I will start with an introduction to the relevant aspects of Chern-Simons theory and its large N expansion. Then, I will explain the realization of Chern-Simons theory on the three-sphere in terms of closed and open topological strings, as well as the important idea of large N or geometric transition. Finally, I will extend this framework in order to compute topological string amplitudes of general toric manifolds using Chern-Simons ingredients.


Lecture Notes:

Other References:

Eric Sharpe

D-branes and Sheaves

In these talks I will describe mathematical models of D-branes as sheaves and, more generally, derived categories. I will begin with a gentle introduction to some relevant mathematics (sheaves, Ext groups). After that, I will discuss mathematical models of D-branes on large-radius Calabi-Yau manifolds as sheaves, describing how sheaves can be used to calculate open string spectra, and how such sheaf-theoretic models can be extended in various directions to take into account B field backgrounds, orbifold structures, and nontrivial Higgs vevs. Finally, I will give a short introduction to derived categories, their physical realization as boundary states in the B model topological field theory, and stability issues.


Lecture Notes:

Basic references on sheaves & sheaf cohomology:

Basic references on Ext groups of sheaves:

Basic reference on the B model topological field theory:

Seminar abstracts

E. Aldrovandi

Hermitian-holomorphic classes and tame symbols related to uniformization, the dilogarithm, and the Liouville Action

One possible approach to the uniformization of compact Riemann surfaces of genus greater than on is to look at metrics of constant negative curvature. Such metrics can be characterized as critical points of the classical Liouville action functional. We present an algebraic construction of this functional as the square of the metrized holomorphic tangent bundle in a suitably defined hermitian-holomorphic Deligne cohomology group. For a pair of line bundles on the Riemann surface, this construction generalizes Deligne's tame symbol and recovers the algebraic approach to the determinant of cohomology as pursued by Deligne, Brylinski, Gabber and others. We will also interpret the above results in terms of group cohomology for Kleinian groups and volume calculations in hyperbolic 3-space involving certain secondary classes, notably the Chern-Simons one. We will outline how this framework relates to recent results in Mathematics and Physics where a compact Riemann Surface is considered as the "hologram" of an associated hyperbolic 3-manifold.


Jose Bertin

Coverings of algebraic curves, stacks, and Gromov Witten invariants

Study of Hurwitz stacks parametrizing branched covers of algebraic curves, and some aspects to Gromov Witten invariants. Study of Hurwitz stacks parametrizing branched covers of algebraic curves, and some aspects to Gromov Witten invariants.

Vladimir Chernov

Affine linking and winding numbers and the study of front propagation

Let M be an oriented n-dimensional manifold. We study the causal relations between the wave fronts W1 and W2 that originated at some points of M. We introduce a numerical topological invariant CR(W1 , W2) (the so-called causality relation invariant) that, in particular, gives the algebraic number of times the wave front W1 passed through the point that was the source of W2 before the front W2 originated. This invariant can be easily calculated from the current picture of wave fronts on M without the knowledge of the propagation law for the wave fronts. Moreover, in fact we even do not need to know the topology of M outside of a part bar-M of M such that W1 and W2 are null-homotopic in bar-M. We also construct the Affine winding number invariant win which is the generalization of the winding number to the case of nonzero-homologous shapes and manifolds other than R2. The win invariant gives the algebraic number of times the wave front has passed through a given point between two different time moments without the knowledge of the wave front propagation law. The invariants described above are particular cases of the general affine linking invariant al of nonzero homologous submanifolds N1 and N2 in M introduced by us. To construct al we introduce a new pairing on the bordism groups of space of mappings of N1 and N2 into M. For the case N1=N2=S1 this pairing can be regarded as an analog of the string-homology pairing constructed by Chas and Sullivan, and it is a generalization of the Goldman Lie bracket.

Pascal Grange

Star-products and open-string actions beyond the large-B limit

Duality between commutative and non-commutative gauge fields is encoded by the Seiberg-Witten equations [1], which have been solved in the U(1) case [2,3,4,5]. The solution leads to predictions for derivative corrections to the gauge sector of open-string effective actions, in presence of a large background magnetic field [6]. These predictions have been checked by explicit string-computations [7,8]. Going beyond the limit of a large background magnetic field involves taking the open-string metric into account, thus deforming the corrections [9,10]. These deformations can be translated into the language of non-commutative Yang-Mills theory.


  1. N. Seiberg and E. Witten, String Theory and Non-Commutative Geometry, JHEP 9909 (1999) 032, hep-th/9908142.
  2. L. Cornalba, D-branes Physics and Non-Commutative Yang-Mills Theory, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 4 (2000) 271-281, hep-th/9909081.
  3. H. Liu, *-Trek II: *n Operations, Open Wilson Lines and the Seiberg-Witten Map, Nucl. Phys. B614 (2001) 305-329, hep-th/0011125.
  4. Y. Okawa and H. Ooguri, An Exact Solution to Seiberg-Witten Equation of Non-Commutative Gauge Theory, Phys. Rev. D64 (2001) 046009, hep-th/0104036.
  5. S. Mukhi and N.V. Su ryanarayana, Gauge-Invariant Couplings of Non-Commutative Branes to Ramond-Ramond Backgrounds, JHEP 0105 (2001) 023, hep-th/0104045.
  6. S.R. Das, S. Mukhi and N.V. Suryanarayana, Derivative Corrections from Non-Commutativity, JHEP 0108 (2001) 039, hep-th/0106024.
  7. S. Mukhi, Star Products from Commutative String Theory, Pramana 58 (2002) 21-26, hep-th/0108072.
  8. P. Grange, Derivative Corrections from Boundary State Computations, Nucl. Phys. B649 (2003) 297-311, hep-th/0207211.
  9. S. Mukhi and N.V. Suryanarayana, Open-String Actions and Non-Commutativity Beyond the Large-B Limit, JHEP 0211 (2002) 002, hep-th/0208203.
  10. P. Grange, Modified Star-Products Beyond the Large-B Limit, hep-th/0304059.

Valeri Marenitch

Note on geometry of twistor spaces

We consider a twistor space Z of an almost Kahler manifold M as a total space of a Riemannian submersion. Showing that it is itself an almost Kahler manifold we study branched minimal immersions of a closed surface into manifold M and their twistor lifts to Z. We establish some geometric properties of the restriction of a twistor bundle over a surface and obtain some inequalities for topological invariants of this bundle.

Aleksandar Mikovic

Spin Foam Models of String Theory

We propose a new approach to formulating string theory based on the connection between the representations of Kac-Moody algebras and the representations of quantum groups (for a good review see [BK]). The string scattering amplitudes are identified as certain spin network amplitudes in a two-dimensional spin foam state sum model associated to the isometry group of the background spacetime in which the string is propagating [M1,M2,M3]. The case of SU(2) group manifold spacetime is discussed in some detail.


Aalok Misra

("Barely") G2 Manifolds, (Orientifolds of) a compact Calabi-Yau and nonperturbative N=1 Superpotentials

We discuss (a) membrane instanton superpotential in M-theory on G2 manifolds including non-rigid supersymmetric 3-cycles, (b) an N=1 triality involving Heterotic/M/F theories at the level of spectrum matching, (c) the Picard-Fuchs equation, its solution and monodromy properties associated with period integrals associated with the compact CY3(3,243) that becomes relevant when discussing the abovementioned triality, (d) null superpotential associated in particular with type IIA (that gets uplifted to a suitable M-theory background in the above triality), on a freely acting orientifold of CY3(243), away from the orbifold singularities associated with the (singular) Fermat hypersurface putting the aforementioned triality on a more firm footing, and finally (e) making a connection between the abovementioned topics and Witten's MQCD.


  1. ``On the exact evaluation of the membrane instanton superpotential in M-theory on G(2)-holonomy manifold,'' A.Misra, JHEP 0210, 056 (2002), hep-th/0205293.
  2. ``An N = 1 triality by spectrum matching,'' A.Misra, hep-th/0212054.
  3. "On (Orientifold of) type IIA on a Compact Calabi-Yau", A.Misra, to appear.

Gabriele Mondello

Combinatorial classes on the moduli space of curves are tautological

Strebel's theorem of quadratic differentials gives an isomorphism between the moduli space of curves (over the complex numbers) and an orbi-simplicial complex A, whose simplices are indexed by some ribbon graphs. This description (due to Mumford) was used first by Harer to compute the virtual cohomological dimension of the mapping class group [1] and (with Zagier) the orbifold Euler characteristic of the moduli space of curves [2]; and then by Kontsevich [3] to prove Witten's conjecture (the generating series of intersection numbers of psi-classes on the moduli space of curves satisfy the KdV hierarchy). In this paper [3] Kontsevich proved that some interesting simplicial subcomplexes Wm of A (supported on simplices indexed by ribbon graphs with prescribed valencies m of their vertices) are in fact cycles and so define homology classes with noncompact support (and dually cohomology classes). Witten and Kontsevich conjectured that these W-classes are polynomials in the tautological classes (i.e. algebro-geometrically defined in terms of push-forward through the universal curve of powers of Chern classes of the relative cotangent bundle). Partial results were achived by Penner [4], Wolpert [5] and Arbarello-Cornalba [6] by different methods. In our preprint [7] we prove the conjecture and we exhibit a recursive formula to compute all the polynomials. To do so we use Kontsevich's explicit representatives of the psi-classes in the simplicial setting and the explicit description of the simplicial complex A and of a modification of A due to Looijenga [8].


  1. John Harer: "The virtual cohomological dimension of the mapping class group of an orientable surface", Invent. Math. 84 (1986), no.1, 157-176.
  2. John Harer and Don Zagier: "The Euler characteristic of the moduli space of curves", Invent. Math. 85 (1986), no.3, 457-485.
  3. Maxim Kontsevich: "Intersection theory on the moduli space of curves and the matrix Airy functin", Comm. Math. Phys. 147 (1992), no.1, 1-23.
  4. Robert Penner: "Weil-Petersson volumes", J. Differential Geom. 35 (1992), no.3, 559-608.
  5. Scott Wolpert: "On the homology of the moduli space of stable curves", Ann. of Math. (2) 118 (1983), no.3, 491-523.
  6. Enrico Arbarello and Maurizio Cornalba: "Combinatorial and algebro-geometric cohomology classes on the moduli space of curves", J. Algebraic Geom. 5 (1996), no.4, 705-749.
  7. Gabriele Mondello: "Combinatorial classes on the moduli space of curves are tautological", math.AT/0303207.
  8. Eduard Looijenga: "Cellular decomposition of compactified moduli spaces of pointed curves", The moduli space of curves (Texel Island, 1994), Birkhaeuser Boston, 1995, pp. 369-400

Korkut Okan Ozansoy

Geometric formulation of quantum mechanics

In this work, quantum mechanics has been reformulated in the geometric language of classical mechanics i.e. symplectic mechanics. In a quantum mechanical system, the states are represented by rays in a complex Hilbert space. The space constructed by this rays has a structure of a space. This provides a new geometric formula tion for quantum mechanics that is physically equivalent to standart algebraic framework but different as a mathematical appearance. In this formulation, the states of a quantum mechanical system are given by the points of a symplectic space as classical mechanics but this time, there is also a compatible Riemannian metric with the symplectic structure. The observables are represented by real-valued functions and the Scrödinger evolution is associated to symplectic flow generated by Hamiltonian function. This reformulation makes clear the main similarities and differences between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics.


Paulo Pinto

Fusion of sufferable modular invariant partition functions

We develop further fusion rule structure of modular invariants that can be realised by subfactors N \subset M started in [1]. This structure is a useful tool in the analysis of modular data from quantum doubles.


  1. Evans, D.E.: Fusion rules of modular invariants. Rev. Math. Phys. 14 709-732, (2002), math.OA/0204278 and references therein.
  2. Pinto, P.R.: PhD thesis. Cardiff University. Submitted
  3. Evans, D.E., Pinto, P.R.: "Subfactor realisation of modular invariants", Commun. Math. Phys. 237 (2003) 309.

Emanuel Scheidegger

D4-branes on toric Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces

We give an extensive description of rational D4-branes in toric Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces. We compute the dimension of their moduli space in geometry and in conformal field theory. The result yields compelling evidence for the decoupling conjecture stating that this dimension is independent of the Kaehler structure of the Calabi-Yau space. We thereby provide a large number examples of D-branes on algebraic 4-manifolds. To appear.

Miguel Tierz

Soft Matrix Models and Chern-Simons partition functions

We present the properties of matrix models with very weak confining potentials [2]. These models are solved with q deformed orthogonal polynomials, and we show how they give rise to central quantities in Chern-Simons theory, such as the partition function of U(N) Chern-Simons theory on S3 [1,2]. We show general features of the density of states, correlation functions and loop averages of the models [2,4]. In particular, it is demonstrated how the partition function can be given by an infinite number of matrix models whose weight function includes a q-periodic function [2,4]. Finally, the special role played by the compactifications that give rise to these models [1,3] is explained in detail [4].


  1. M. Mariño, Chern-Simons theory, matrix integrals, and perturbative three-manifold invariants, hep-th/0207096.
  2. M. Tierz, Soft matrix models and Chern-Simons partition functions, hep-th/0212128.
  3. M. Aganagic, A. Klemm, M. Mariño and C. Vafa, Matrix model as a Mirror of Chern-Simons Theory, hep-th/0211098.
  4. M. Tierz, To appear.

Sergiu Vacaru

Nonlinear Connection Geometry and Exact Solutions in String Gravity

We have developed a new method of integrating the Einstein equations in various models of gravity and string/brane theory for off-diagonal metric ansatz depending on three/four coordinates. The approach was derived from the geometry of anholonomic frames with associated nonlinear connection structures, in general, related anholonomic Riemannian-Finsler-Lagrange-Hamilton geometry and works also in general relativity. We analyze the spacetime geometries for different classes of exact solutions describing black holes with ellipsoid/toroidal symmetries, three/two dimensional spinor and solitonic configurations propagating and deforming black hole backgrounds in three, four and five dimensional spacetimes, various locally anisotoropic wormhole/flux tube and/or cosmological solutions with deformed symmetries, dilatons, monopoles, instantons and anisotropic Taub NUT spaces.


Ricardo Vila Freyer

Asymptotic Holonomy

A flow of dimension one on a compact manifold, together with an invariant measure, gives rise to the Asymprotic cycle of Shwarztman, studied also by V. I. Arnold in a context in hydrodynamics in the 3 dimensional Euclidean space, to describe the average linking number. We will descibe that the computation of the asymptotic average holonomy through it, that gives rise to the Average "Wilson line" in the context of Witten's Chern Simons Theory. (See our paper in Comm. Math. Phys. 1994, No. 163, Pags. 73-88, where we constructed its trace). A similar construction for the orbit of Brownian motion on a Riemannian manifold will be described, it gives a random variable in the holonomy of the manifold.