Workshop on Categorification and Higher-Order Geometry
23-24 July, 2003
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal

Main Speakers:

JOHN BAEZ, Univ. California at Riverside
    "Categorified Lie groups, Lie algebras, bundles and connections"
LAWRENCE BREEN, Univ. Paris 13
    "Differential geometry of gerbes and de Rham diagrams"

LOUIS CRANE, Kansas State Univ.
    "Two-Categories in differential geometry and state sums"

STEPHAN STOLZ, Univ. Notre Dame
    "What is an elliptic object?"

Unfortunately Mikhail Khovanov had to withdraw from the meeting at short notice.

Contributed talks:

Ettore Aldrovandi, Florida State Univ.
    "Abelian (2)-gerbes, tame symbols, and Hermitian structures related to families of Riemann surfaces"
Paolo Aschieri, LMU Munich
    "Non-abelian Bundle Gerbes"

Romain Attal, Univ. de Cergy-Pontoise
    "Combinatorial fibered categories"
Josep Elgueta, Univ. Politécnica de Catalunya
    "Cohomology and deformation theory of semigroupal 2-categories"
Stefan Forcey, Virginia Tech
    "Delooping and Enrichment for  Categories with Loop Space Nerves"

Andre Henriques, MIT
    "Sheaf cohomology for Lie groupoids"
Joachim Kock, Univ. de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
    "Weak identity arrows in higher categories"
Aleksandar Mikovic, Univ. Lusófona, Lisboa
    "Spin foam invariants of spin networks"
Gonçalo Rodrigues, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa
    "Homotopy Quantum Field Theories"
Mauro Spera, Univ. di Padova
    "Twistor spaces and spinors over loop spaces"
Danny Stevenson, Univ. of Adelaide
    "Bundle 2-gerbes"
Paul Turner, Heriot-Watt Univ.
    "A functorial approach to n-gerbes"


23rd July
24th July
09.30 - 10.30
J. Baez
S. Stolz
11.15 - 12.15
 L. Breen L. Crane
14.00 - 14.30
A. Henriques D. Stevenson
14.30 - 15.00
G. Rodrigues P. Turner
15.45 - 16.15
R. Attal
A. Mikovic
16.15 - 16.45
J. Elgueta
M. Spera
17.30 - 18.00
E. Aldrovandi
 J. Kock
18.00 - 18.30
P. Aschieri
S. Forcey

The conference will be held in room EA3 of the Torre Norte of the Instituto Superior Técnico, Avenida Rovisco Pais, Lisbon. For maps and walking instructions click here.

Hotel information:
Albergaria Pax,

Rua Jose Estevao 20
1150-202 Lisbon
Tel. (+351) 21 356 1861/2/3/4
Fax.: (+351) 21 315 5755

For maps and further details click here.

This workshop is a satellite event of the International Conference on
Mathematical Physics, 28th July - 2nd August, 2003, Lisbon, Portugal (

Organizing committee:

Marco Mackaay:
Roger Picken:

Financial support:
Centro de Matemática e Aplicações CEMAT
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia FCT, POCTI/MAT/35175/2000
Programa Operacional "Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação" POCTI (cofinanced by the European Community Fund FEDER)

UNIÃO EUROPEIA - Fundos Estruturais

Governo da República Portuguesa

Last updated: July 21, 2003